Friday, July 15, 2011

Dominion Victory Conquers Offshore Nova Scotia

Dominion Diving is pleased to announce the successful completion of Multi Beam and ROV Surveys for EnCana’s Deep Panuke PFC Placement Project.

The Dominion Victory, a 90 foot support vessel, was subcontracted by Fugro GeoSurveys Inc, to supply ROV and vessel charter services for SBM’s preliminary analysis of the Deep Panuke Project which extended over a two week period.

Prior to the commence of this project, the Dominion Victory had undergone both regulatory and industry assessments by the CSNOPB, to obtain approval to work in the offshore - oil field environment.

For this job, Dominion Diving supplied a full marine crew including ROV pilots and technicians, along with survey personnel from Fugro and a client representative from SBM.

The scope of work involved using the Seabat 8125 multi beam sonar in conjunction with Dominion’s compact ROV, the Interceptor DX to perform seabed surveys.

The Dominion Victory also deployed and retrieved tide gauges and deployed a “wave rider” buoy to assist in weather forecasting.

For additional details on this project, please contact Matthew Lohnes at

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